Who Cares!

So given what my last post discusses, over the last year i have done a lot of thinking. I came to the conclusion:

Who Cares!

Does it matter if what i do is unoriginal and/or not as good as what other people do? What matters is do i enjoy doing it? So i decided to give blogging another go. This time, rather than trying to come up with something meaningful, clever or useful in a forced manner, i’ll just aim to make a post about something – even mundane things – once a fortnight. Creativity and life revolve around exploration, failures and learning, and i suspect this blog will be full of such failures.

Experiment Failed

Well that was an abysmal and totally boring failure. I sometimes could not think of what to write, but mostly when i could think of what to write, i couldn’t decide if it was worth posting about, second guessing myself and over analyse my thoughts to the point that i would give up before i posted. Often its due to getting bored of what i was writing.


This made me think about originality. Much of what i could think of to post has already been discussed, is well explored and someone will have a good answer somewhere. There will also be someone who has better ideas formed than mine, better insight than mine, better understanding than mine and asked better questions than i do etc. So it begs the question what is the point of writing if nearly everything is going to be unoriginal and done before? I’m sure there’s even several posts on the net that are very similar to this! In a world where more and more things are being recorded and archived and the ability to find it is only a google search away how does one aspire to become original? Especially when the sphere of peers is dramatically growing due to the significant reduction in the communication barrier. I’m sure many artists would be familiar with this problem and will have explored it significantly more than myself. So what can one contribute to an ever growing completeness that is human knowledge and thought?

I find it amusing when i find people supposedly creating new things, or idea’s, or thoughts today, that have already been well explore centuries ago, but merely obfuscated by the admittedly reducing barrier that is hard copy material (many works are being scanned in). Perhaps it is therefore better to merely quote that which has already been done in such a way that forms new links with old work?


So does one settle for average? Mediocre? Or does one strive for perfection and novelty despite the growing difficulty? Ideally and objectively this should be the goal of every human. However the energy spent to obtain that lofty goal requires that the decision be made subjectively in context to the persons abilities and desires. However given the volatile nature of those desires and abilities should one really solely consider the subjective aspect? It would seem that a combination of both be considered. But what it the weighting of each? How does one decide? I guess thats part of life.


I think i have rambled enough now.

Hello World

So i thought i would write a blog. There is no specific topic or aim here, i just thought i would write a bit about various things and opinions and see how it goes. Consider it an experiment. I must admit that i rarely read blogs, and therefore doing this seems somewhat of an odd undertaking for me.

So let the experiment begin…